Contact us 1-847-573-1717


HP_Services Picture_Guy in LM Hard HatCapital Reserve Budgets

Estimates for each of the major common area Property Components will include:

  • Expected Useful Life Projections
  • Remaining Useful Life Projections
  • Repair/Replacement Cost Estimates
  • Initial Reserves
  • Annual Reserves
  • 10-20 Year Capital Expense Projections

Expert Witness

LM has provided Expert Witness Services in cases involving, but not necessarily limited to, the following claims:

  • Defective Workmanship
  • Work Non-Performance
  • Contactor Non-Performance
  • Code Compliance (Non-Compliance)
  • Warranty Issue

LM witness testimony has been presented in jury trials as well as depositions.

Maintenance Advisory

  • Review existing maintenance program
  • Help establish maintenance program



Construction Management

  • Pre-Construction Phase
    • Project Analysis
    • Definition of Scope
    • Establishment of Budgets
  • Design Phase
    • Initial Design
    • Value Engineering
    • Preliminary Pricing
    • Contract Negotiations
    • Finalization of Design and Costs
  • Construction Phase
    • Permit Processing
    • Construction Oversight
      • Contract Maintenance
      • Insurance Maintenance
      • Construction Administration
        • Coordination
        • Draw Processing
        • Waiver Processing
      • Certificates of Occupancy Processing
      • Close-out and Warranties

Homeowner’s Association Services & Reserve Studies

The LM Consultants team of experienced professional architects and engineers has assisted numerous Homeowners’ Associations and Management Companies in their efforts to:

  • Establish proper capital reserve budgets
  • Improve maintenance procedures
  • Improve energy use practices
  • Identify and plan for property repairs/replacements
  • Achieve stable and predictable assessments
  • Preserve and/or enhance property values

The LM Consultants team can perform the following professional services for Homeowners’ Associations and Management Companies:

  • Transition Studies
  • Reserve Studies
  • Expert Witness/Litigation Support
  • Project Design and Documentation
  • Bid Solicitation and Review
  • Construction Monitoring